Important Dates:
Notification of acceptance: April 26, 2004 ECOOP early registration deadline: May 17, 2004
Workshop registration deadline: June 3, 2004
Suggested Topics:
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- New language features / abstractions
- Case studies
- Experience reports
- Industrial applications
- Aspect-Oriented Programming
- Domain-Oriented Programming
- Generative Programming
- Ambient Intelligence
- Context-Oriented Programming
- Unanticipated Software Evolution
- Design Patterns
Submission Guidelines:
Potential attendants are expected to submit
- either a long paper (10 pages) presenting scientific and/or empirical results about Lisp- and Scheme-based uses or new approaches for software engineering purposes
- or a short essay (5 pages) defending a position about where research and practice based on Lisp and Scheme should be heading in the near future
Submissions should be mailed as PDF to Pascal Costanza ( before the submission deadline.